Permit Expediting
Permit Expediting
Kimberlina Whettam & Associates is a recognized leader in the realm of permit expediting because of our long-term relationships with city agencies and our team members’ experience in the many governmental agencies with which we routinely interface.
Here’s just a sample of the types of permits that KW&A helps expedite & obtain.
Building Permits that include:
- New Construction
- Residential
- Mixed Use
- Commercial
- Tenant Improvement
- A-Permits
- B-Permits
- Shoring
- Grading
- Demolition
- Mechanical
- Electrical
- Plumbing
Additional Agency Approvals:
- Health Department Approvals
- LADWP Temporary and Permanent Power
- Federal Aviation Authority approvals
- Bureau of Engineering
- Bureau of Sanitation
- Bureau of Street Services
- Urban Forestry Tree Removal
- Department of Transportation
- Metropolitan Transit Authority approvals
- Traffic lane & sidewalk approvals
- Soils & Geology Report approvals
- Industrial Waste approval
- Title 24/ Fire Department approvals
- Hydrants and Access approvals
- HCID approvals
- Haul Routes
- Traffic Lane Closures
- Request for Modifications
- Noise Variances
- CalGreen approvals
- Planning approvals
- Zoning variances
- Tract Map approvals
- LARR approvals
- Signage permits
If it requires a permit, KW&A can help you get it approved in a timely manner.
How may we help you and your project? Our team members are ready to assist you through every phase of your project, from planning and permits to the grand opening.
Thank you for your interest in Kimberlina Whettam & Associates.